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Monday, January 28, 2019

Alternate headline: California soon to have no pet stores selling dogs and cats

California has passed a law that went into effect Jan. 1 that requires pet stores to sell only rescue dogs and cats. Pet stores in California are not required to maintain records showing the shelter from which their dogs and cats were obtained. No breeder-provided felines or canines allowed, apparently, with a fine of $500 for each animal without shelter credentials.

Californians can still buy from private breeders, but given California's propensity to regulate everything, how long to you expect that to last?

Naturally, the American Kennel Club opposed the law and says the law makes it harder for people to buy puppies and kittens, which is what most prospective pet owners want to do. Shelter pets usually are given to shelter after they are puppies or kittens because people realize they don't want this animal.

I don't care, because I don't live in California and I always buy from breeders, anyway. Still, sucks to be in California. People who want purebreds will go to breeders, and people who want shelter animals will go to shelters rather than pay the premium that shelters would have to charge. Pet stores will be reduced to selling birds, lizards and fish in California. I'm guessing many of them won't last.

But it's for your own good, California.

1 comment:

Mya M said...

I enjoyed this post, thanks for sharing.