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Friday, September 6, 2024

The Bitch Is Back

 OK, so I went away for, oh, nearly 3-1/2 years. Sorry about that. Anyway, I decided I should come back and say stuff. As always, a little bit of everything. The original purpose of this blog was to write about the world of temporary contract attorneys, who work on the document review phase of all different kinds of cases. We used to work in big rooms with dozens, even hundreds of attorneys. We called it Temp Town. As with so many other people and businesses, Temp Town died in the COVID-19 panic. Law firms and agencies were forced to do what neither of them wanted to do -- let temps work from home. Agencies didn't want to do it because they made money from charging law firms to rent review space and the necessary equipment, services, etc. for the temps to do the document review work the law firms needed done. Law firms didn't want to do it because -- correctly, in my opinion - they didn't trust temps to be diligent without law firm supervising attorneys literally looking over their shoulders. Well, C-19 gave them no choice. We went off to work at home, and we are never going back. The agencies decided they love it because they no longer have to maintain the facilities for temps to perform document review and they are able to pay WAY less than they used to. Life is good for agencies, not so much for temps. Law firms like it because the agencies and their temps cost them less than before. Everybody is happy except the temps.

In any event, Temp Town as it used to exist, with a numerous temps in the same place with a bunch of fucking whack jobs providing entertainment, is long gone. AI is slowly but surely doing away with the need for temps in most situations, but we aren't there yet. However, projects are shorter and use fewer people. Making enough money to survive is more of a struggle than ever. Nonetheless, I probably won't write about Temp Town much anymore.

But I plan to write anyway. I will write about what interests me, regardless of topic. Buckle up, kids. No telling what comes next. But the bitch is back. Cue the Elton John song, because modern copyright protections prevent me from inserting the video.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAY! You're back!