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Thursday, August 2, 2012

That was a vacation?

I just returned from Florida and what was purportedly a vacation. I guess it was one, and it was the first time off I've taken voluntarily in about four years, which timeframe meshes closely with when the market turned to shit and never returned to what we now think of as the good old days. Temps always used to tell me that they like this kind of work because of the flexibility -- they could take time off whenever they wanted. I guess that used to be true, but it isn't any longer. In the "good old days," you could schedule vacation time well ahead, go on vacation when the time came, and find a new project quickly when you got back. The first two elements are still true; the third, not so much. On the other hand, as Meatloaf said, two out of three ain't bad. Unless the third one is the one that makes the first two possible, which is of course where we are. No work, no pay. And leaving a project means coming back to massive uncertainty as to whether there will be another project soon.

It's a tough gamble. Fortunately, I left for only four days, and when I got back, the project was still going. I continue to click for the foreseeable future. Beyond the next few weeks, who knows?

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