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Thursday, October 11, 2012

RIP, Mongo

Alex Karras died yesterday.  Most folks remember him as Webster's dad, many others from his time as a commentator on Monday Night Football. I remember him most as a fearsome defensive lineman for the Lions for 12 years. He used to wreak havoc on the Packers (and everybody else). I had a poster of Alex Karras on my wall, even though he was a Lion. He was a great player who deserves to be in the NFL Hall of Fame.

Despite all those claims to fame, though, Alex Karras will live forever as Mongo, the brute enforcer in Blazing Saddles. Question: Will he be best remembered for the great quote, "Mongo only pawn in game of life," or for this:

I laugh my ass off every time I see him deck that horse.

UPDATE: Video:

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