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Monday, July 15, 2019

Actually, beer drinkers aren't boycotting Yuengling over Trump endorsement

Click-bait fucks say this kind of thing all the time. Everybody is now boycotting (fill in the blank) because the owner of the company that makes (fill in the blank) supports conservative causes. The fast-food chain Chick Fil-A was famously "boycotted" when the owner discussed his Bible-based beliefs in an interview and declined to support homosexuality. He didn't say anything negative about gays or gay rights, and the fast-food chain observes all federal non-discrimination laws regarding hiring -- and no one has ever complained that they don't hire gays because of their sexual orientation - but the social justice warriors got their panties in a wad and called for a boycott of the chain.

Naturally, this led to record sales. Most people don't think it is weird to consider that a natural family unit is a man, a woman, and children. That's the position the chain owner took. The "boycott" went nowhere.

Now, Yuengling -- a regional beer based in Pennsylvania -- is supposedly being boycotted by social justice warriors because the owner expressed support for Donald Trump. I'm sure that this will be every bit as successful as the Chick Fil-A boycott, which led to Chick Fil-A becoming a top 10 fast food franchise, and the top franchise in sales per location.

Yuengling makes good beer. I drink it often, usually picking up some at the Thurmont Sheetz because it has the best prices. Plus, the Thurmont Sheetz is right across the street from Mountain Gate Family Restaurant, which sells really good pies. Bonus!

The fact of the matter is, pretty much nobody boycotts a business because social justice warriors say they should do so over the business owner's political beliefs. People who patronize a business do so because they like the product. When SJWs call for a boycott, people who agree with the owner's beliefs -- and they generally outnumber the SJWs, who are so far left that almost no one agrees with them -- patronize the business even if they do not normally do so, yielding a result that is the exact opposite of the the SJWs hoped for. Because the mainstream media agrees with the SJWs, you never hear about that. You only hear about the boycott.

So enjoy a Yuengling if you are lucky enough to live in an area where the beer is available.

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