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Thursday, May 21, 2020

You know what the definition of "expert" is, don't you?

So, Yahoo! News ran a story with the headline stating "Coronavirus stimulus checks: Only one round 'is just ridiculous,' expert says." So, I have a question for Yahoo! News: What makes someone an "expert" on something that has never happened before? Rather than borrowing vast sums of money that the taxpayers you sent that money to will have to repay at some point -- which is what the federal government is doing and this "expert" is suggesting they do more of -- would it not be more efficient to just let Americans go back to earning a living? That is what the president and most governors want to do. A bunch of governors -- oddly enough, all of them Democrats who clearly hope that continued shutdowns will destroy the economy and cause an election loss for President Donald Trump in the fall -- are the main obstacles to that course of action.

The stated reason for the shutdowns has already been satisfied. We "flattened the curve" so that hospitals won't be overwhelmed by coronavirus patients. Now shutdown proponents seem to think that we all must be kept safe from the Wu Flu until there is a cure or a vaccine. The intent was never to ensure no one caught the disease. We don't have a right to never get sick and die. Further, the government does not have the duty -- or the power -- to ensure that no one ever gets sick and dies. People get sick. They die. Sometimes it happens on its own, sometimes it happens because of government's actions. (I'm looking at you, Andrew Cuomo.) However, governments, at least in the Unites States, do have a duty to not take away our property without compensation, and telling people to shut down their businesses sure sounds like a Fifth Amendment taking to me. It certainly is no way to get the economy back on its feet. Anyone with half a brain -- and I am convinced that most Democrats have half a brain -- knows that the way to get the economy going again is to let people work, not to borrow more money and just hand it out as if it never has to be repaid. But not Yahoo! News's expert. He thinks we should pass out more borrowed money. I smell something, and it isn't roses. When I was a lad, I lived where someone qualified as an expert if they were 100 miles from where they were from, where everyone already knew they didn't know shit. I suspect Yahoo! News found someone who was way more than 100 miles from home.

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