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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Affirmation, baby

Got an email from a friend of mine yesterday (yes, he's working, no, I'm not). I have a stock saying that I'll toss out once, twice, even three times a day. It isn't funny, but the repetition becomes funny. So stupid it's good. In any event, the email indicates I'm making an impact:

So at my new job today at around 4:30, I say "I dont know if I have 2.5 hours left in me."  The temp behind me who I have never met, asks did you come up with that on your own?  I said "no."  And the temp then said "because there was this guy on a project he was on late last year that would say that every day.  I think his name was (my name here) or something."
I am legend

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