Try it!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

There's the snap, the ball is up, and .......

.....wide right! No good!

Yeah, I gambled the other day. At the end of the last project, I got offered a project that kind of sucked -- 40 hours, only two weeks. Mostly I turned it down because a) it is not Metro-accessible and I never would have submitted my resume had I known the details, and 2) the market seems to be heating up and I figured I would get something quickly. Which leads us to iii), crickets. Freaking nobody replying with any encouraging news, although one sympathetic soul pointed out that, having turned down a gig, I am not eligible for unemployment. I sure hope this doesn't drag on. I realize I could have a gig for tomorrow an hour from now, but it is so much easier to just be despondent. However, later today I am planning an industry-relevant post based on this episode, so stay tuned.

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