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Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Ruth Bader Ginsburg suffers from convenient memory loss

She's in her mid-80s, so I guess we can forgive her for this slip. Apparently she completely forgot who started this shit. She apparently is wistfully hoping that the confirmation of Supreme Court justices can stop being so partisan:
US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said Thursday she hoped the traditional “bipartisan spirit” of congressional hearings for judges will once again prevail in Washington, rather than the votes of recent years that have mostly divided along party lines.
She apparently is not old enough, at 85, to remember when this shit started. They even call it getting Borked. Ted Kennedy had his speech written before Robert Bork was nominated. The speech was going forward regardless of who the nominee was. One of the most qualified jurists in the land got rejected as a result. Guess what Democrats did this time with respect to Brett Kavanaugh? Yeah, you only get three, and the first two guesses don't count:

Ruth needs to pay more attention to what her party is up to. But I don't expect that to happen.

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