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Sunday, January 20, 2013

Take away her right to bear arms, not mine

Seldom do you hear such an incredible plea for the nanny state to take away your rights as you hear in this piece from the New York Times, which is exactly where you would expect to find something like this. The author wants you to take away her Second Amendment rights because she suffers from depression and worries that if she exercised her Second Amendment rights to own a firearm, she might then at some point use the firearm to kill herself. Take away her rights, take away the temptation to kill herself with a gun, problem solved, right?

At no point in the article does she consider whether somebody else's rights might be implicated by her desire to give up her own rights, but that's a typical libtard. And even though the personal story she relates as the basis for her desire to give up her rights to a firearm involves an attempted home invasion, she apparently would rather be a sheep left to the wolves than risk giving in to the temptation to use the gun on herself. Never mind that far more suicides each year do not involve a firearm of any kind. People who want to kill themselves just do it. They don't need a gun. While a gun makes it easier, so do sleeping pills, rope, razor blades, knives, carbon monoxide, and God knows what else. I don't hear anybody calling for a ban on cars so they can't kill themselves with the exhaust.

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