Try it!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

A pathetic (game food) performance

Maybe if I had prepared more game food. Maybe if I had done something more elaborate. I don't know, but the Packers lost yet again to another shitty team. I am contemplating going to Green Bay and laying hands on Aaron Rodgers to heal him myself. Yes, I can do that. Don't doubt me.

In any event, we had just me and Mrs. Wolves for today's game, and with a 4:30 start, I didn't want to spoil dinner, so I held back and didn't prepare most of what I had planned when I thought there would be more people. As it was, I just made skins. They were good. The game wasn't.

A commenter noted that I might enrage the readers of the game food porn posts if I didn't always take a new picture of the skins, even though I fix them every week. He might be right, so there you have it, a new picture of a recurring item.

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