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Friday, April 11, 2014

Jay Carney, fraud, sure, but Jay Carney, Communist?

Joltin' Jay Carney, the president's lead paid liar, is widely known for his cognitive dissonance and his absolute refusal to acknowledge that the things he is saying have little or nothing to do with the question asked, or even with the truthEven the mainstream liberal media has been commenting on it of late. That doesn't mean that certain media members of the Democrat propaganda machine aren't still giving in-print blow-jobs to important administration types like Carney. In fact, they still serve up unintentionally hilarious tidbits like this, which purports to show a typical breakfast moment in the Carney household:

First of all, if you believe there is an egg in the air in front of those folks in real life, I have items for sale in which you might be interested, including bridges that lead to Manhattan. Speaking as a former short order cook, 1) he who flips eggs that high breaks yolks, and b) that is the biggest motherfucking egg anyone has ever seen that didn't come out of an ostrich. Photoshop, anyone?

But second, and more important, please note the Soviet propaganda posters on the far wall, conveniently highlighted in this alternate version of the same photo:

Um, Jay? Call your decorator and ask for a more democracy-friendly artwork scheme. Sure, maybe Jay's a collector. And maybe his kid is the most talented ostrich-egg-using breakfast short-order cook this side of Sydney. And don't collectors usually collect things they admire? Just sayin'.

Hat tip to The Week for the photo and article reference.

Of course, the photoshops in the fauning article go far beyond some kid's mad kitchen skilz. Apparently, Jay doesn't have the personal library necessary to look impressive -- or even literate -- stacked up on his shelves, so Washingtonian Magazine obligingly Photoshopped his bookshelves to make it look like he had lots of deep-thinking books (Jay used to work for Time Magazine, a sure sign that he is not familiar with deep thinking), replicating his mad-skilz-chef son's pinky in the process:

The Twitter commentary on the article at Twitchy is priceless.

I suppose that, given his job as a propagandist who is required to twist, ignore or dispute the truth daily, it is entirely possible that Jay actually does admire Soviet propagandists and, thus, is truly just a collector. The question then becomes, does he collect these posters because he admires fellow liars, or because he admires fellow Communists? Beats me.

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