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Sunday, February 10, 2013

Of course the media has no bias

And yeah, I used to be a member of the media. I spent 10 years in newspapers, and Mrs. Wolves was part of the newspaper industry for close to 20 years. We know those people. They're libs. They can claim they have no bias, but that is horseshit. When they call someone for comment, they don't have a single conservative in their contacts list, because they never met one at a party, and if they did, they damn sure didn't keep his/her card. They don't realize they are biased: no one around them ever espouses a different opinion, and when someone does, they know, deep in their hearts, that the person with a different opinion is simply wrong, because that is what all of their friends think. We had to keep our mouths shut at parties and what not so that our fellow media types wouldn't realize we were conservatives -- they would have ostracized us. They can't tolerate dissent. If you disagree with them politically, you are not simply someone who holds a valid but differing opinion, you are wrong, stupid, not worth talking to and perhaps even evil. This is not speculation: a pretty substantial number of Mrs. Wolves' former media colleagues have unfriended her on Facebook because she espoused conservative views. The folks in the media are to the left of the left. In any event, that's why this story at Mediaite surprises me not as far as the content goes, but because a lefty outlet like Mediaite came clean on this shit. It is always surprising to see a lefty site put out a story this fair:

Alleged Los Angeles shooter Christopher Jordan Dornerinfluenced by left-leaning media coverage of gun crime in the wake of the Newtown shootings, has virtually paralyzed the City of Angels. Floyd Lee Corkins, a gunman incensed by anti-gay marriage bias after reading articles by the liberal advocacy group Southern Poverty Law Center, took a firearm into the Family Research Council’s headquarters with the intention of killing “as many as possible.” He hoped to smash Chick-fil-A sandwiches in the faces of as many corpses as he could. These shooters were clearly moved by left-wing media, and we should thank every benevolent force in the universe that they were. Had either shooter possessed even a tenuous link to a conservative group, a media-driven hysteria about the malevolent influence of right-wing broadcasters and commentators would be gripping the nation today. Fortunately, when a crazed shooter’s ideology is explicitly and demonstrably left-wing, the media displays admirable restraint about linking a gunman’s politics to their acts of violence. 

By all means, go read the story. It provides numerous links to stuff that ought to make your hair curl.

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