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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Kinda early for this much snow, isn't it?

Usually, when we get snow in early December, we get 1-2 inches. A couple years ago, we got about 6 inches in December, 1-2 inches at a time. That was a lot. Most years, we don't get any real snow in December. So yesterday, the weather fucks were calling for 1-2 inches, followed by wintry mix. They were half right. Here we are, looking across the parking lot, angling right:

Same thing, looking straight out my front door:

Looking left:

Please note the Christmas candy canes lining my neighbors' sidewalk, as well as the floodlights in his lawn. He went mond on the Christmas decorations, forcing me to retaliate. I will try to put up a Christmas lights post later. Anyway, this is looking right:

Jeb the Wonder Dog loves him some snow:

No, really:

Plus, he's one good-looking dog. Look at that noble profile:

Anyway, this is the hood of my car, with some snow cleared off so you can see a cut-away of how much snow was on my hood. One to two inches my ass: roughly six inches, I think:

Having already said how unusual significant December snowfall is around here, we are expecting another 2-4 inches tomorrow (Tuesday). We'll see what happens.

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