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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Project management haiku

So, the firm added five people to the project Monday, apparently to make up for attrition (I haven't really been paying attention, so for all I know nobody left, or 20 people left). So Monday afternoon, Captain Queeg strolls through with five people in tow. He points one of them to a seat in our room, then takes the remaining four to the next room. Not a word to us, just tells the one guy, "You can sit there." It all happened so fast, I'm not even sure Queeg explained who these people were. The way I figure, if he didn't care enough to tell us who these people are and why he was walking them through our room, then I don't care enough to inquire. Which leads us to this haiku:

New people started
No introductions to us
Don't care who they are

And, of course, its follow-up:

Fuck you, Captain Queeg.
You have no management skills.
Plus you're really short.

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