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Saturday, February 8, 2014

This is why we have scientists

After all, without highly trained scientists to study important matters, how would we know that men like to look at boobs? No, really,  there's a study, which I can only find web references to (probably behind a paywall -- my efforts led only to a no-link USA Today story) that finds that "men like looking at women’s large breasts." Shocker.

Serious, you guys. How did you arrive at that?

No, really, I don't understand how they reached this conclusion.

But what the fuck do I know? I'm just a temp. The good news, of course, is that this study was doubtless funded with taxpayer money. Wish they'd given it to me. I could have given them study results much sooner.

Hat tip to VodkaPundit, which is a much cooler name that Raised By Wolves.

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