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Monday, March 17, 2014

In the field of opportunity, it's plowing time again

Yeah, that's right, this past weekend officially opened farming season at Chez Wolves. My farming partner and I -- he has the land, I have the strong back and weak mind -- prepared our early beds and put in the seeds for peas, carrots, lettuce, spinach and radishes. Next weekend we'll put in the potatoes.

Naturally, Jeb the Wonder Dog came along, ready to fend off intruders and play with his buddy, a golden lab. He was out the window the whole way over in anticipation. That boy does love a car ride:

Unfortunately, his buddy has been "fixed" since last growing season and no longer seems interested in rampaging all over the property the way he used to. So Jeb was forced to keep a vigilant eye out for marauding deer or whatever on his own:

First, of course, we had to fertilize and till the beds:


Right there you are looking at a tiller afflicted by a clogged fuel filter. Beds got tilled the old-fashioned way -- me busting my ass with a hoe. Only had to till a few beds this week, though. Two like the one above for peas, then a 4 x 8 bed for the spinach and lettuce:

Other beds, for warm-weather plantings like tomatoes, squash, peppers, zucchini, beans, onions, garlic and cucumbers, can wait a few weeks:

Of course, all this happened Saturday. Monday, it snowed about 6 inches. Not a problem for what we planted, but further indication that winter might not ever go away. But that's OK, because, as Neil put it:

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