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Saturday, October 12, 2013

Boy, that's good news, too

Temps at the agency I am working for recently received an email letting us know that Obamacare was about to ruin our lives. The email is as follows, with names deleted to protect the guilty and emphasis added to clarify the inanity of this particular notice:
Good Afternoon,
This information is part of the Affordable Care Act and all employers are required to distribute this notice.
Although [the agency I am working for] does not currently offer medical benefits to our staffed professionals, we are required by Federal law to send the attached notice to all employees, both part-time and full-time.
The attached Notice must be made available to you in the case that you decide to enroll for coverage in the Marketplace/Exchange, effective January 1, 2014. This notice confirms that the health coverage offered by [the agency I am working for] meets (and exceeds) the minimum standards that are outlined by the Federal government. 
Please keep a copy of this notice for your records, and reach out to me with any questions.
So, enlighten me: my agency doesn't offer health care coverage to me, but the health care coverage they offer (to someone else?)  "meets (and exceeds) the minimum standards that are outlined by the Federal government." What does that mean? I think it means that the agency gives its full-time employees coverage that meets federal standards, but that temps can go suck dick. I could be wrong, but I don't think so. Certainly it fits with the general pattern in this industry of treating temps like trash that hasn't been taken out yet.

The question I have, though, goes more to government than to agency stupidity: why require companies that don't offer health insurance to tell employees to whom they do not offer health insurance that the health insurance they are not being offered meets (and exceeds!) federal standards. I guess that's about standard government-level thinking.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have been reading your blog since it was linked by Professor Reynolds (Instapundit).

I really do enjoy reading your musings and do think that the food pr0n is a hoot.

But, I must say, that I am shocked by the circumstances under which temp attorneys work: I always thought that attorneys commanded high fees and high benefits. (Especially in the Washington, DC area.)

I have been temping in the IT industry for more than 20 years and the vast majority of my contracts have been lucrative and offered benefits (should I choose to purchase them).

Outside of the legal arena, would you be able to provide some insight into the conditions for (other types) of temps in the Washington, DC area: clerks, legal secretaries, etc.

I am just curious.


P.S. Go Packers...unless they are playing my Eagles!