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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Disturbing honesty

The project I am on has been going on for two years now. I have been on it only since January, but there are a good number of folks who have been here since the start. They know each other and tend to want to do little events together to mark milestones. For this Friday, they were planning a pot-luck lunch. People were to sign up to bring a dish and everyone would have at it. Apparently, they have done this in the past.

This time, plans got overtaken by events. The agency for which we are working decided to hold a happy hour at a local restaurant to thank the folks on the project for their dedication, or their ability to remain conscious for 12 hours a day, or something. Actually, most folks on this project come nowhere near 12 hours a day. But I digress. In any event, the agency is hosting a happy hour Thursday.

Today, one of our project managers from the firm (the law firm we are doing the project for, as opposed to the temp agency that actually hired us) asked us to reschedule the pot luck lunch. The reason? He is planning to get so pounded at the happy hour Thursday that he either won't be at work Friday or he will be so hungover that he won't want to eat a pot-luck lunch. Unfortunately, I am not inferring this -- he was pretty explicit.

I really don't know what else to say, except that this doesn't actually surprise me. Temps are always treated as subhumans whose desires and opinions don't matter. Why should this be different? At least he told us the truth, although this can't go into the category of "refreshing honesty." Maybe "disturbing honesty."

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