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Friday, June 27, 2014

I used to be disgusted, now I try to be amused

I don't think Elvis Costello ever had to work with temps; otherwise, he might never have written that line. Today we had what might have qualified as an Actual Temp Conversation, but it really was so much more. It embodied the temp ethos that, if there is a stupid question to be asked, and temps are present, a temp will ask it.

The team leaders (temps who also serve as babysitters and go-betweens for the project managers) did a quick poll a little bit ago to determine how many people planned to come in this weekend. It went about as well as you might expect:

Team Lead: We need a rough count of how many people will be here this weekend. Could I have a show of hands if you plan to come in at all on Saturday?

[A desultory show of hands ensues.]

Team Lead: OK, now could I have a show of hands if you plan to come in at all on Sunday?

Temp 1: What day?

Temp 2: Sunday. You know, the other weekend day.

Nothing, but nothing, is too simple for a temp to screw up.

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