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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Oh, by the way, the canary still lives

I'm not sure why. He is in his seat more than he was as of Saturday, so I assume someone said something to him, but I am told he still isn't actually working. I don't even want to share what I am told he is doing with at least some of this time, but my informant is reliable and I believe her. Leave it at that.

I think it is important that we set up, just a bit, what the Canary looks like. There is an element of this:

I'm sure all of you recognize William Conrad, the late actor who played Nero Wolfe and the detective Cannon on TV during the '70s and '80s. But that doesn't truly capture this guy. You have to go further back to really get a flavor for the Canary, who looks like a cross between William Conrad and this guy:

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