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Friday, July 18, 2014

Hard work and clean living paying off? Or dumb luck?

Going with dumb luck. A couple days ago, one of the project managers walked into the room and announced that everyone was moving, get ready to go somewhere else. He didn't tell us where, but he told us it was happening now.

Naturally, it wasn't. Almost everyone else in the room gathered up their stuff and then stood around, milling, holding all their crap with no idea where to go. I sat where I was, in the greatest seat in the house, waiting. I was hoping that, having survived one attempt to move me to a shitty seat, I could dodge this attempt, as well.

It didn't work out that way. As it turned out, most of the people in my suite were sent elsewhere and told to "find a seat" in one of the other suites. That, of course, is a recipe for disaster -- the seat you will find will, of course, suck. This is where it helps to have friends in low places.

A long-time acquaintance of mine is a team leader in one of the other suites. She came to me and told me to follow, as she had a seat for me. It turned out to be even better than my old seat. It is in a corner, against the wall, facing out from the wall - no one can sneak up behind me. Even better, because of the layout, I have only one neighbor, to my left. She is damn near deaf-mute, so I am left alone. And, finally, somehow, someone forgot to turn off the internet access from my terminal. Thrown out of the best seat in the house, I managed to land in the only seat on the project that is even better.  Thank you, Jesus.

1 comment:

Cat said...

So old age and treachery played no part either?