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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Snack-time zombies

It's not a practice I consider to be a big draw for a project -- as in, would this factor convince me to take a project over some other, otherwise comparable project -- but on this project, the firm pays for "snack time" twice a day. It is, for the most part, junk food, and for people working this many hours a week, the financial benefit is less than negligble. But twice a day, like clockwork, the snacks come in and the temps get out of their seats like zombies and stagger toward the snacks. The rapidity of their reaction is a little frightening, as is the mindlessness of it. You can almost hear them chanting, "Free food" as they lurch toward the snack table. Or are they saying "Brains"?

I want to shout at them, "CVS down the street has a better selection!" but the "free" aspect draws them in. Nothing attracts temps like free food. Never mind that for a nominal amount -- certainly relative to what they're making on this project -- they could have food they actually want. That's just crazy talk.

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