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Saturday, September 13, 2014

Nancy Pelosi valiantly wages a lone battle against the Huns sweeping down from the north, or something like that

Rep. Nancy Pelosi, former Speaker of the House, current Minority Leader, D-Calif. and living proof that a brain is not necessary to succeed in government, has once again shown that she really, truly has nothing useful to add to the national conversation -- or any conversation, it would appear.

While maintaining that Democrats are "not fear-mongers," she then threw out this gem while appearing on Bill Maher's show, whatever its called: “Civilization as we know it today would be in jeopardy if the Republicans win the Senate.”

That sounds to me like a compelling reason to vote Democrat, doesn't it? I mean, seriously, who wants to vote for the end of civilization as we know it? Of course, since "civilization as we know it today" includes morons like Pelosi, Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid (whom I understand likes to look at pictures of little boys naked, according to Ace) and, of course, President Barack Obama in positions of power where they can fuck up our lives, then maybe Pelosi is right, except that ending that particular version of civilization would be a good thing.

While Nancy "We have to pass the bill to find out what's in it" Pelosi eliminates any doubt about her stupidity every time she opens her mouth, I still have this question:  since Nancy Pelosi is from San Francisco, what the hell does she know about civilization, anyway?

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