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Monday, September 8, 2014

You know you want more cute kit-tay love -- don't deny it

A day without kit-tay love is like a day without sunshine -- unless you get some good puppy love, in which case things are cool. But today we are sharing kit-tay love. Just yesterday, Murder and Mayhem were chilling out in a display of full-on adorable:

But let there be no mistake; these kit-tays are stone-cold killers. Mayhem -- the nice one, I might add -- likes to sit atop a chair and leap upon whoever walks by. If she doesn't feel like leaping, she swipes at you to let you know she could kill you if she really felt like it:

That left paw dangling beneath the top slat of the chair? That's the one that will rip the flesh from your body. Other than that, she's cute as a button.

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