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Monday, September 15, 2014

Chapter whatever, in which I deliver on the promised home-opener game-food porn

Sometimes I'm late, but I deliver. A thrilling, comeback victory by the Packers yesterday. First quarter sucked, but by the end of the first half I knew we had those suckers. Always good to win the home opener. With a 4:30 game, the game food had to be kind of dinnerish, leading to the following menu:

We started off, naturally, with stuffed potato skins, the one constant of game food porn:

And its not dinner with no vegetable, so we also had a veggie tray:

As the game progressed toward dinner time, I brought out more items. For the main course, brats:

Yes, I boil them in beer before I grill them. You mean you don't? Then I brought out the cheeseburger macaroni and cheese, a favorite of Marrying Into Wolves:

Throw in some wings for the starving masses:

And top it off with roasted corn:

All in all, a pretty good feast. I was pleased, and I heard no complaints. That might be because I was screaming too loud to hear any complaints during this play.

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