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Monday, November 10, 2014

I got some more food porn for you, hush puppies style

Never fixed my own hush puppies before, believe it or not. Hell, even I find it hard to believe, but there it is. So today I rectified that and fixed some to go with the ribs and cue. Worked out well. I used Paula Deen's recipe, which goes like this:

 You will start with 1-1/2 cups of cornmeal, 1/2 cup of flour, 1/2 tsp of baking soda, 1/2 tsp of salt, 1 small onion, chopped nicely, thank you very much, 1 cup of buttermilk and 1 egg beaten just enough to be pretty mixed up but not so much that you get suspended by the NFL. I'm sorry, was that a domestic violence joke? You will also heat up about 6 cups of peanut oil, for frying. You should probably heat that shit to 350 degrees so it's ready when you mix all this stuff up right:

Mix the dry ingredients -- the corn meal, flour, baking soda and salt -- in a bowl. Mix it up right, people:

In another bowl, beat the egg and buttermilk:

Chop the damn onion, nicely, like I told you:

Add the onion to the dry ingredients, and mix it up right:

Add the buttermilk-egg mixture to the dry ingredients. You should mix that up right, too, people:

At this point, your oil damn well better be hot. If it isn't, you need to seriously consider getting a new fryer. Spoon the mixture into the fryer about a teaspoon at a time, dipping your spoon in water in between adding puppy mix to the oil. Seriously, it helps.

Turn the puppies during frying to make sure they cook evenly. Cook until golden brown, about 5 minutes per side:

These were really good. Toss them on top of the corn pudding, ribs and BBQ, with some limas to boot, and this was freaking excellent. Some people wanted no part of a bun for their cue:

Others did:

Alas, I had no slaw. Next time.

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