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Saturday, April 25, 2020

Early days, but The Farm is producing nicely

The cold weather crops are coming in nicely. Because of the relatively warm winter, we got a lot of stuff in the ground in early March. They are now starting to produce. Here we have the bed of white radishes:

Harvested some of that stuff today. The red radishes are doing nicely, as well:

Harvested some of that today and last week. The asparagus is coming up:

Not that I'll ever get any of it. Farmer Tom's family eats it all:

Spinach is going well. Some got harvested last week and today:

Two half beds, and they're likely to produce for a few months:

We'll probably reseed those a bit to fill in holes. The peas are coming in nicely, as well, and will need some hole-filling themselves:

I probably also will need to put in a string trellis tomorrow so they can climb. If it doesn't rain:

Took a chance and put in a couple tomato plants a couple weeks ago, to try and get some staggered production. We covered them for the freeze the other night, and they came through nicely:

Did a little harvesting today. Got some radishes, white and red. The white ones look like carrots:

Harvested some spinach, as well. Somebody is getting salad tonight:

Also harvested a bunch of parsley from Farmer Tom's herb garden. He's up to his ass in parsley. Looks like a lot of garnishes to me. I suspect I will wind up drying a lot of it, then grinding it for use as a seasoning:

So, The Farm is doing well. With a little luck, this will be a good season.

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