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Saturday, April 4, 2020

OK, unemployment is good for blog posts

The gig I've been on since November 2018 finally ended Tuesday. Pretty good run, considering it was supposed to end about a year ago Tuesday. Anyway, I liked it. Paid well, and I met some good folks, including a bunch I never actually met -- they were in the European offices of the firm I was at. Anyway, the Wuhan flu has killed my industry's job market just as I re-entered it. I believe that is the definition of poor timing. In any event, the D.C. unemployment system is overwhelmed with new claims, so I am still trying on that front. In the meantime, I have taken on some freelance writing. We'll see how things go, but with time on my hands, I'm afraid you'll have to put up with more blog posts from me. Thanks for dropping by.

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