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Monday, April 6, 2020

I refuse to let this go

I've done nothing for Sweden -- nothing! And I never understood why Sweden was the early leader in visitors to this blog, even over the United States. It never made any sense to me, and it didn't last. I started mentioning porn a lot -- without actually having any, except food porn -- and pretty soon Russia and Ukraine easily passed Sweden. But the United Kingdom used to be right up there with Sweden, and they dropped out of sight. Sweden hasn't had a visitor in I don't know how long, and the U.K. puts up new visitors every week, just about. I want to see a U.K. surge. Pass those Swedes! They've done nothing for Eff You in I don't know how long! Rule Britannia! Or something like that. I just want to see some change in my Top 10 visitors.

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