Given that, though, could he please, please, please stop embarrassing the country as an adult? Stop the madness and step away from the baseball. Apparently, the other day Barry "dropped by" a Little League baseball game and joined with the kids in a moment of camaraderie, or something like that. Some "news" outlets, like Yahoo, didn't bother to mention that White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, who is now officially the world's worst liar, had a child in the game. Most news outlets also didn't bother to mention that Barry still throws like a girl:
And I am not trying to disparage girls here. But he looks a lot like Miss America 2008, Kirsten Haglund:
Not enough for you? Fine. Let's compare Barry to the Evil George Bush, which Bryan Allain does nicely:
Comparing Presidential First Pitches
Assessment of Mechanics
Grip: 2-Seam Fastball, will cut down and away…typical strikeout pitch.
Posture: Power-T to generate hip drive for maximum velocity.
Face: Eyes locked on the target.
Hands: Pitching hand cocked back to hide ball from batter.
Probable Outcome: Fastball that catches the outside corner for a called strike three.
Grip: Palm Ball. Comes in slow and doesn’t move.
Posture: No Power-T. Right hand hanging down towards dirt.
Face: Eyes and mouth show fear that the batter will hit the ball over 600 feet.
Hands: Pitching hand open so batter can see ball during delivery.
Probable Outcome: Ball will be hit so far it will need FAA clearance & a flight attendant.
Comparable Deliveries
11-time All-Star, Roger Clemens
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