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Monday, December 8, 2014

Maybe somebody should tell the Democrats their Southern strategy isn't working

With Mary Landrieu's defeat Saturday in her bid for a fourth Senate term from Louisiana, there now are no Democrat senators from the Deep South.  Moe Lane has some pithy, brilliant commentary on a Politico story about how Democrats lost the South, electorally speaking. It wasn't easy to overcome the South's natural antipathy toward Republicans (hint: Lincoln was a Republican), but Democrats managed. I haven't actually read the Politico story -- I almost never do, because it's a left-wing rag founded by a bunch of "reporters" who left the Washington Post because it wasn't liberal enough and Tass wasn't hiring people who don't speak Russian -- and I won't link to it (for the same reason) but Moe thinks the story completely misses the real reason Southerners have rejected the Democrat Party:
It’s not demographics, and it’s certainly not gerrymandering, and shoot, it’s not even Barack Obama. It’s that the people who run the Democratic party [expletive deleted] hate the South.
And Southerners have noticed. It really does astound me that the national Democratic apparatus apparently thought that they could defecate on an entire section of the country for fifty years and still get that section to vote for them at the end of it.

Moe deleted the expletive himself. I'll put it back in and repeat Moe's thought for emphasis: the people who run the Democratic party fucking hate the South. Well, the feeling is mutual.

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