Try it!

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

OK, fine, I've got some random food porn for you

While the New Year's black-eyed peas are soaking (won't be cooked until tomorrow, to be eaten New Year's Day), I went ahead and made some more boiled peanuts, on account of the last batch was so good. Since we moved up north, I usually only fix these as game food, but the Packers are on the bye this week, and I won't likely fix game food to see inferior teams, so I figured I would end the old year right and give the new year a kick start. Lucky for Eff You nation, I have documented the process. You will, of course, start with raw peanuts, which should be available at all of your better grocery stores:

You will put these in a large soup pot and cover them with water:

This might prove more difficult than you might think. As you can see, they float. Do not be alarmed. Just make sure they are all off the bottom of the pan.

Next, pour in a bunch -- and I mean a bunch -- of salt:

Bring those suckers to a high boil:

Once a high boil is achieved -- this has nothing to do with the substances you might be ingesting during the process -- turn down the heat to low medium (or high low -- I don't know, call it 3 or 4 on a scale of 10) and let that shit roll, covered. You should periodically check the pot to stir and make sure there is enough water, adding as necessary, because this will go on for at least 4 hours and more likely 6:

Because I did not take a picture of this finished batch, and because you can't tell one batch of boiled peanuts from another, here is a picture of what you can look forward to using the photo from Sunday's game food:

Eat them just like you would roasted peanuts, splitting them along the seam. Except with more paper towels. They can be drippy. Enjoy.

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