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Friday, January 16, 2015

Oh, dear me; Update!

Secretary of State John "Horseface" Kerry didn't just embarrass the United States by having a has-been hippy singer play a terrible song to try and make up for snubbing the French over the anti-Islamic terrorism protest. He also embarrassed the U.S. by apparently trying to make out with French President Francois Hollande:

Awk-ward. Is this really what we pay this man for. Looks to me like Francois wasn't too keen on Kerry sticking his tongue in Francois' ear.

Hat tip to Insty for leading me to Kay Burley's post of this video, by way of Twitchy. Hey, sometimes the journey, however long and arduous, is worth it.

Update: A little bit from The Telegraph in the United Kingdom on just how awkward it was:
When top US diplomat John Kerry rushed towards the French president, arms open, to warmly embrace him on Friday, what followed was a cringeworthy culture clash that has befuddled many a visitor to France.
The French are just not that into hugging.
Kerry had given fair warning to his French counterparts that some American-style affection was on the cards.
"My visit to France is basically to share a big hug for Paris and express the affection of the American people for France and for our friends there who have been through a terrible time," he said on the eve of his trip.
The phrase alone sparked confusion in the media who struggled to pin down a translation for the word hug.
Smart power, baby.

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